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Best Songs of 2017

Here is a list of my favourite songs of 2017. You don't have to be a genius to that my favourite album of the year (Deep Dream) was a Daddy Issues album.

  1. I'm Not - Daddy Issues
  2. In Your Head - Daddy Issues
  3. Boring Girls - Daddy Issues
  4. Louder In Outer Space - Skating Polly
  5. The World's Best American Band - White Reaper
  6. Люби меня люби - Гречка
  7. Small Things - PONY
  8. Mosquito Bite - Daddy Issues
  9. Dog Years - Daddy Issues
  10. Highway Tune - Greta Van Fleet
  11. Ei tänään (mua vituta mikään) - P. M. Kostiainen Project
  12. Betray And Degrade - Seether




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